Thanks Dr. Wight, I appreciate the clarification!

 One additional note on Renee's post re: military- Not all branches and
facilities consistantly reemburse for breastpumps for NICU moms at this
time- it's something that's being worked on but it can still be hit or
miss and if it's a miss, the families are out of pocket. My suggestion is
that ANY  facility that provides services to military beneficiaries always
call and verify what their policy is BEFORE renting a pump if you expect
military reembursement. Otherwise all families should be warned  at the
time of rental that these costs may come out of their pocket and for  some
of the junior enlisted, this could be a financial hardship. Often times,
there may be a limit on the time rental approval is given for, so families
need us all to be very good about checking the coverage before we rent.
 Here at Madigan Army Medical Center( WA). we have different services for
lactation and pumps than say Texas Army facilities and different than the
local Air Force or Navy facilities...( though we have been lucky enough
here in WA to have all service branches work together and try to provide
continuity of care) But this is a big issue that is being looked at
service wide to improve and support our families


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