One poster mentioned ++++++ skin to skin.  I have to agree!  I am only per
diem, not full-time, and only work postpartum (not lactation).  but I have
had moms do this, and have seen wonderful success!  I love it!  It is so
simple!  I do think that if it is too long since last feeding and baby is
getting sleepier and less energy from needing food, that it may not be as
successful, so some expressing of colostrum and getting it into baby may be
needed to get back on track.  My memorable skin to skin babies took less
than an hour to decide not to be so sleepy and want to eat.  One poor mom
who was happy to not be having bad cramps as she had with her other 2, found
out that yes, she got them this time too!  once baby started eating REAL
well!  (this one took 30 min. of skin to skin to decide to eat!)

Janette RN

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