>Therefore my question is, what are some strategies for talking to a mother
>who has decided not to breastfeed without sounding too pushy?<

I would suggest that people might be convinced by learning "what's in it for
Let's face it, few of us breastfeed because we learned our babies will have
nicer dental arches. We've heard that breastfeeding is supposed to be
healthier blah, balh, blah. Therefore, were resigned to do it because it's
the noble thing to do, like flossing your teeth and doing situps.

What's in in for ME?. This might vary by your audience.

Appeal to vanity. Teenagers, for example might be more interested to know
breastfeeding might give you a better figure - larger, firmer breasts.
Appeal to laziness. You never have to get out of bed to feed the baby. You
can lay on the couch while feeding, and still have a hand for the TV
Appeal to pride. You'll have a prettier baby (those dental arches!) that
smells sweeter than their friend's (artificailly-fed counterparts), and will
have a higher IQ.

I just realized it looks like I'm appealing to the seven deadly sins!
What the heck, it's working for me so I'll continue:

Gluttonly - you can eat more while breastfeeding and not gain weight!
Greed - you'll save enough money to buy whatever you want!
Lust - most women can have several months of worry-free sex!
Wrath - How dare these formula companies think they can do better than ME!

Sheila Stubbs, LLL Leader,
committed to the seven deadly sins of breastfeeding since 1983

I learned the hard way to birth the easy way!

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