I love old radio shows.  The other night, I was listening to a tape from
1948, which was sponsored by Parkay margarine.  It recommended that people
use twice as much Parkay as they would butter, because Parkay was not only
good tasting, but SO nutritious!  Of course, we are now finding that
hydrogenated vegetable fat is far from healthy and nutritious!  In fact,
some people think it is one of the most dangerous things in our diets today.

Of course, this was just one of many, many examples of things that people
believed were nutritious, that turned out to be far from it.  Infant formula
is certainly a prime example!  Every few years, the formula companies
themselves admit that their formulas aren't all that great, by bringing out
a new version.  They are essentially saying "Our last formula wasn't as good
as we thought, but this new one is just great!", over and over.  And people
keep falling for it!  Every generation is willing to accept that the
previous one made mistakes on such things, even sometimes to the point of
ridicule, but willing to accept a false sense of security in whatever is

If only more people would learn from history, maybe there wouldn't be quite
so many people using the latest of the "improved" formulas.


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