Thank you all so very much for all the wonderful e-mails. It's great to have
such a supportive and knowledgeable group of friends.  After talking to her
doctor there was nothing any of us could have done or could have seen to
predict this outcome.  I've been a RN for 23 years and this is the first
time and I hope the last time to loose a mom.

For a brief history on this mom,

She delivered by repeat uncomplicated c-section 2 week ago.  No problems
medical, but was pressured by duties to return to college the following week
after delivery.  Milk supply came in while in the hospital and the infant
nursed without problems.  Milk supply began to falter after a short time.
Infant had seen the doctor the day after discharge and wt was increasing,
but mom recognized something wasn't right and saw my partner on 10-20-03 and
reschedule an appointment with me on 10-22-03.  I was the last medical
personal this mom saw.  So yes, I did and still do wonder if I missed

Her funeral is tomorrow.  She leaves behind family, husband, a five year old
and a 2 week old baby.

Thanks again dear Lactnet friends,

Crystal Stearns RNC, MS, IBCLC

Mercy Memorial Health Center

Ardmore, OK 73401


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