"Perhaps they start out with structural issues that predispose them to more

I think this was the case with me. I had a similar problem with my most
recent post partum - a SEVERE, very deep pain behind my breasts, only felt
at night after lying on my side. This was the first baby that I nursed
lying down more often than I did sitting up - a possible cause due to a
structural issue in my anatomy? It went on for months until I finally had
my ribcage adjusted. The chiropractor could feel that it was jutting
forward and with one fist on it and the other whacking it hard (albeit
very professionally and deliberately executed!), it went back into place
and I felt no pain that night, nor the following night. The pain creeped
back over the next few nights, only to disappear again after my next
adjustment. After several adjustments (3?) it never came back.

Breastfeeding counselor


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