We do carry Gripe Water in our lactation center.  It is made by baby's
bliss and has 14 mg. sodium bicarb, 5 mg. ginger and 4 mg. fennel per
serving.  It is in a base of water, glycerin, fructose, and citric acid.  I
had never heard of this, but once we started carrying it, Gripe Water
lovers came out of the woodwork.  We have several British, Indian, and
Irish nurses and doctors and they all love this stuff.  Apparently, our
Hispanic population makes their own concoction similar to Gripe Water.  I
wonder how I never had heard of it before!  I have personally spoken with
the company president as I researched the product and she includes a very
informative brochure for the families that wish to purchase the product.
There is a website for this particular company.  I ask my moms to let me
know if they have positive results with this product and we have had an
overwhelming positive response.  Keep in mind, however, that I live in an
area with very few exclusive breastfeeders.  Almost everyone does bottle
and breast.  Debbie Schlief, RNC, BSN, IBCLC


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