Well, before the blackout, I had been thinking aobut posting this one, but
after the blackout its especially pertinant.

Usually, I'm nervous about baby nurses.  My most recent experience had been
one who claimed to be an RN and told a mother of a one month old to quit
nursing cold turkey and she called because she was developing mastitis.
She had all sorts of unresolved emotions aobut quitting.

Then, right after that baby nurse experience, I had a client with the
world's best baby nurse.  The woman was unable to pump with an electric
pump so her baby nurse taught her how to hand express milk.  For fourteen
days she pumped every three hours by hand with the help of her baby nurse
and could pump out five ounces after every feeding.  It turns out that they
had not put the white plastic flap in place so she wasn't getting any
suction from her pump.  When I couldn't phone any of my clients yesterday
afternoon and started to realize that this blackout was more than a
temporary disruption, my first thoughts were that she was the only one of
the supplementing moms that was going to make it through.  I remembered how
there had been a run on formula in Park Slope during 9/11, thought about
all that formula that would go bad without refrigeration and thought "what
are all these women going to do?"  Just one more reason to breastfeed and
to know how to hand express.

I'm supposing today will be a day of fielding phone calls from engorged

Susan Burger, PhD, MHS, IBCLC


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