A talk at the APA conf. on May 20 reports 5 SSRI antidepressants tested
safe for BF moms.  The article is at
The SSRI's tested were citalopram, sertraline, paroxetine, venlafaxine,
and fluoxetine.  The highest plasma level found in a baby was 10% of the
maternal concentration, while 2 drugs, sertraline and paroxetine, were
below the limit of detection.  Fluoxetine was found at 47 nmol/L, but
I'm personally wary of the safety finding, because there was only one
mom using it.  For citalopram, (9 moms) the average was 1.9 nmol/L.
Hale (2002) reports fluoxetine as L3 for neonates, L2 for older infants.


Only G-d knows the formula for mother's milk!


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