Two quick questions:  Is there a visual of a good assymetric latch available
somewhere on the internet?  I think I get the concept, but a picture is
worth a thousand words, so they say.  I am one of those moms who has had
sore nipples with each of my previous 3 kids for the first 1-2 weeks.  I'd
like to make sure I'm absolutely optimizing latch this time!  Also, of
course it would be helpful to be sure I'm helping my patients properly.

Also, on a sadder note, I spent my day laboring with one of my patients who
had a fetal demise at 36 weeks, for no apparent reason.  What would you all
recommend as the best method of preventing any engorgement or discomfort as
she dries up her milk?  I'd like to spare her any discomfort I can at this
point.  Fortunately, my hospital has a labor and delivery nurse who also has
extensive training in perinatal bereavement, and she was able to be with mom
and family all day, but it was an awfully, long hard day for us all.

Jennifer Tieman
Family Physician
Mom to 3, and new baby #4 expected 5/31/03


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