I have just returned from a legal seminar on the law and the Internet (I had
to do *something* to get my mind off HIPAA).  I learned about an interesting
organization whose purpose may, indeed, have bearing on us as lactation

Point your mouse to www.creativecommons.org, and view the animated short for
a cute but complete explanation.

This non-profit organization was developed by some of the leaders in
copyright law and the creative arts industry.  The notion?  Some peope are
quite happy to share their materials with others.  This permits you to let
other people know if, and under what conditions, you are willing to share

You can give free, unfettered use of your stuff ("do what you will with my
work").  Or, you can set a few rules ("use it but give me credit," "use it
but don't change or delete anything," or "use it unless you intend to make
money off it.")

Examples?  A great BF hand-out that you want to use.  Or, photos, cartoons
or drawing of BF dyads.  Maybe a sample form letter to doctors, or a list of
tips for new dads.  These are all examples of created works -- and the
original creator may be more than happy to share.  I have hand-outs that
others have wanted to use .... I've always said "Sure .... just give me
credit."  Sounds like I am a "Creative Commoner!"

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