Mothers here who donate milk are tested for all the known viral infectious
diseases just as blood donors are, and women who are CMV carriers are not
accepted as donors.  A CMV-positive mother of a baby in our NICU would be
able to give the baby her own milk without question (unless it was a
micropremie, maybe?) as they don't test the milk pumped by mothers for their
own babies.
The milk is also monitored for bacterial contamination, in each and every
batch.  I don't know what the limits are for what can be given to the
babies, and I think it may be different for the term or near-term babies
compared to the prematures.

And now, a news break: yesterday a mother had triplets at my hospital, by
elective CS in week 36.  3 babies born 030303 weighing about 14 pounds, put
together.  I expect from what she has said earlier that they will be
exclusively breastfed before long; they are getting donor milk as needed
now, and none of them are in the weight category that would get fortifier in
the milk.  This was the lead story in today's paper.  I live in a small town
where nothing much happens!

Rachel Myr


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