Since my clients are mainly military or dependents- thought I'd throw in
my two cents.
 After reviewing all the CDC and Military Vaccine sites, I tell my families
the same thing- if the site is covered the risk of exposure is greatly
lessened.  I kind of get upset with some of the recommmendations
though...the only reason breastfeeding women are excluded from the smallpox
vaccine is risk of site  I take this to mean that acording to
the CDC,etc. they don't believe that bottle feeding mothers or all fathers
cuddle their infants? Or Bed share? All persons recieving the vaccine need
to be clearly informed of potientials for exposure to others- the
guidelines all have them clearly stated, just the info doesn't seem to be
getting passed on. I know the Army has a good training program for staff
who will be distributing the vaccines and the information is pretty
comprehensive. I really hope it gets passed on at least as well to the
 There's a lot of panic over this vaccine, which in some ways I don't
understand... I'm from the generation that recieved them. Unfortunately,
our service members are heading into zones that  may be at risk for
deliberate exposure- I think we need to be very supportive them ... service
members have no choice in recieving vaccines ( if they want to stay in the
military) so we need to be able to give them the best info we can.
As always- praying for peace on earth and wishing all on LACTNET the Best
of Holidays!


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