Hello all,

I'm Jennifer and I live in O'Fallon Missouri.  I have two children-both breastfed- a son 5 and a daughter 2 1/2. I have been a LLL leader for 5 years and attended the conference in Boca this summer as well as many local conferences/seminars.  I have been studying for the IBCLC exam for 2003 and would like to start a private practice once I take and (hopefully) pass the exam.  

I am also signed up for the CLC training class in November 2002 and hope to pass that too!

My question is this:  I would like to have some business cards made to pass out to pregnant and breastfeeding moms, doctors, other LC's and other professionals for networking and home visit opportunities.  I've been doing home visits to gain experience but obviously I don't charge a fee.  Since I do not currently have a private practice or the official certificaton and am getting most of my hands-on work from LLL calls what can I put on my cards?  Just my name and "La Leche League leader"?  If I pass the CLC can I add that?  Obviously if I pass in 2003 I can add IBCLC, but I'm just wondering how others have handled this in their pre-professional days.  I know this is a delicate situation because of conflicts of interest with LLL and Lactation consultation.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Jennifer Macri
LLL O'Fallon, MO 


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& hoping to be IBCLC in 2003 or 2004!