Hi all,
A mom called today a question I couldn't answer.  Here go
Baby is 3 months old exclusively breastfeed, started having blood in stool
about 2 weeks ago, but not all the time.  The doctor has done all kinds of
test and found nothing.  The office nurse (who has taken one of our BF
courses) informed mom that it could possible be an allergy and suggested
that mom stop all dairy products, which mom has done.  Mom eats no meat or
peanuts, but does eat Almond butter.  Called today to say that things were
better no blood in several says.  Then called back a few hours later to say
that there is now blood in stool.  The only thing the mom can put together
is that before the first bloody stool she had given the baby
Tylenol(Acetaminophen) and that she, mom, took Tylenol herself last night.
Has anyone ever heard of this kind of reaction to Tylenol?
Crystal Stearns RNC, MS, IBCLC
Mercy Memorial Health Center
Ardmore, OK  73401


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