Thanks for the responses I have had so far re: my mom
with the "constipated" baby that she sure is caused by
something in food she is eating.  When this baby is
getting exclusively breast milk, he has no stools for 2
days and then a very small amount.  If he were over a
month old and having a single large stool every few days,
I would not be concerned.  However, he is 3 weeks old,
having been born at 37 weeks.  I am concerned that mom's
production is not adequate with the absence of regular
scoopable poops and generally unhappy baby, but she can't
get past this food thing. I told her that I would ask you
wise people and see if you knew of anything in a
traditional Chinese diet that could account for this
crying and lack of stooling.  If I can assure her that a
traditional diet should not cause problems with stooling,
etc.  we can get down to what I feel is the real problem
which is nursing mismanagement and poor production.  So,
is there any wise one out there in the world who knows of
anything in the traditional Chinese diet that would cause
a crabby, crying, non-pooping baby?  If I receive no
positive answers, I can tell mom I consulted the experts
and no one knew of anything.  Then we can get down to
business.   Thank you for your time.

Gayle Prehn, RN
Romeoville, IL


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