It has been a very long time since I have posted. I have had a bipolar mom
who is highly motivated to educate herself come to me for prenatal
counseling. At this time she would like to be in touch with any other women
by email who have been on Lithium at conception or who choose to stop it
prior to conceiving. I have shared with her what I know about Lithium and
breastfeeding, but the preconception, pregnancy thing is beyond what I have
practical experience with.

Our goal would be to find support for her, minimize the time off of Lithium,
or find an alternative medication.

Any links would be helpful, too. Thank You.

Denise Punger MD FAAFP, IBCLC
Palm City, Florida--relocating to Rome, Georgia, soon.
Resigned from Urgent Care--future employment/practice opportunity to
     be decided (I am in no rush)
William (almost 6), Scott (4) and STILL tandem nursing.

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