I just thought I'd add my personal two pennorth....

At every discussion/lecture we are told that at least some change occurs
during pregnancy even if it's just colour, I maintain that I had NO change
when pregnant with my first child pre pregnancy (try as I might to cast my
mind back) and am told that 'there must have been SOME change'.

I went into pregnancy with tiny 'fried eggs' for breasts, and continued to
wear the same bras that i'd always done throughout my pregnancy (not that I
really needed them!), and what happened? - on day threeish I exploded!
having never bothered to buy any feeding bras (I had bought a stretchy sleep
one - cos we were told to take them to the hospital~), I sent dh out to buy
a couple and the biggest cup size the local stores had (at that time)  sat
on my breasts like egg cups on melons!  Having this new found 'voluptous
figure' I wanted to maintain it, so exclusively bf my son for many months,
and donated the spare stuff for 5 months to the local milk bank.

Please don't write these mums off too soon - you never know what will
happen.  - Sadly since my children are now 'grown up' I no longer have the

Wait and see and be prepared for major engorgement or nothing, but don't
panic the mum now (I didn't know at that time there was 'supposed to be a
change -nobody had told me - and i'm glad otherwise I would have been

>Date:    Thu, 15 Aug 2002 22:20:03 -0400
>From:    Pat Young <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: no breast tissue change
>Somewhere I remember hearing that if mom had been on birth control pills
>close to conception she may not notice many breast changes in pregnancy,
>they occur when first beginning the pill.  Anyone else heard this?  Anyway
>the proof is "watch the baby.  Count pees and poops!"  Sincerely, Pat in

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