Hi all,

Sorry for not signing my post re: a relactation issue. I did not think my
consult went particullary well yesterday, as I couldn't get he baby to be
receptive at all to the SNS. Mom swears that this baby is
so....uncomfortable with SOME feeds. I think the baby may just guzzle so
much so quickly (5 oz in 10 minutes) that he gets tummy ache. Mom states
that he was nursing and feeding fine until she introduced formula when
returning to work and his "system got out of sorts". She is on formula #4,
now.  I'm wondering if she isn't just plain overfeeding him. Most of the SNS
users I've had have been newborns that are adopted or for low supply early
one. I've not had a baby this large and vigorous and so openly resist being
at moms breast. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Interesting discussion on Ezzo and religion. The big questions is HOW to we
get them to at least listen to our valuable and sensible information.  Has
anyone put together a handout or rebuttal to share with these moms who are
using Ezzo or the Baby Whisperer? Just a thought. - I'm a very visual

York, PA

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