John Lute has given permission to post his origianl message to WIC Talk to

-----Original Message-----
From: John L. Lute [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 9:37 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [WIC-TALK] Denver II Development Assessment Tool - Antagonistic
to Breast-feeding

To those interested in promoting public health through breast-feeding get a
load of this outrage --

Denver Developmental Materials, Inc., P.O. Box 6919, Denver, Colorado
80206-0919, has a developmental screening tool called Denver II
Developmental Screening.  One of its assessments is a task called "Feed the
Baby".  For this task, a doll and a toy bottle are placed on a table in
front of the child.  The child is told to "feed the baby".  The tester is
told to pass the child if the child places the bottle to the doll's mouth
or obviously tries to put it to the mouth.  If the child imitates
breast-feeding, the tester is to encourage the use of the bottle as
breast-feeding alone is not considered a pass!

From one dedicated to improving public health through the encouragement of
breast-feeding -- Thumbs Down to Denver Developmental Materials.

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