It is very difficult to know where to draw the line about speaking at
conferences.  Do I decline to speak at American Academy of Pediatrics
conferences, knowing that they take money from the formula companies?  What
about LLL conferences, knowing that they cooperate with the AAP (by doing
joint sponsorship of conferences) and the AAP takes formula company money?

What about hospitals?  Do I decline to speak at any hospital-sponsored
conference that is not a Baby-Friendly Hospital?

How far do I have to go to check out the credentials and credibility of
people who invite me to speak at conferences?  How can I possibly know ahead
of time if any of the people involved in the organization have any
affiliations whatsoever with formula companies?

I am not very fond of one particular breast pump company because I think
their advertising is misleading and equates breastfeeding with
bottle-feeding.  Do I also decline to speak at conferences where this pump
company has an exhibit?  How will I know, when invited to speak, if the
group is planning to allow this pump company to exhibit?  What it the bottom
line, if they write back and say "Yes, company X will be allowed to
exhibit"?  If I say "Well then, I'm not coming," -- then my message doesn't
get out, and I also don't make any money (and believe me, I need to make
money from speaking engagements in order to subsidize all the many different
ways that I support breastfeeding for free).

What about local health fairs?  If I know that the formula companies will
have a booth, does that mean that the local breastfeeding coalition or LLL
group or whatever should NOT be there, providing information to mothers?
Who wins in that case?

There are no easy answers.  I certainly want to state up front, however,
that just because I speak at someone's conference, people should not think
either better or worse* of the conference organization simply because I am
speaking at their conference.

* depending on how people view me!  :)

Ask yourself whether, in any particular instance, the health of mothers and
babies is best served by you speaking, or by you not speaking.  It may be
the case that the formula company gains credibility, yet net good for
mothers and babies *can* come out of speaking, even at a conference directly
sponsored by a formula company.

Kathy Dettwyler

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