This is a very frustrating situation and potentially a dangerous one.
You cannot help this lady over the phone. You have already realized that.
You also cannot force her to come in for an assessment. She very well may
have primary lactation problems (doesn't make enough milk) or this could be
a result of "mismanagement" or not bf optimally from the start. It could
also be a baby problem like short frenulum, also known as tongue-tie. I have
had this happen before, where a mom will not come in, and I give her the
scenario that if she were describing headaches, or chest pains, the dr.
would have to SEE her not just talk to her over the phone. Emphasize to her
the need to feed the baby generously and to come in immediately for an eval
or to her pedi if she chooses to do that. I would not call her back and tell
her so, but would call the pediatrician or other primary provider and give a
report of your concerns and tell her so. On this last contact you could try
to talk to another family member, maybe whoever is the head of household,
like mil or husband. If she is enrolled in a wic program she could go there
for a checkup at least make sure the baby is doing well. you could even call
social services if you feel the baby is in danger. the language barrier
makes things much more difficult. Where I work there are Vietnamese
translators who are very helpful. You might try to access someone like this
via your volunteer network or local hospital or social services. good luck.
Laurie Wheeler RN MN IBCLC
Violet Louisiana USA

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