Hi there.  In the original message, Barbara Berges wrote:  "NYS Code for
Hospitals says we are not allowed to give (formula discharge packs) out to
BF moms unless they specifically request them or the MD writes an order."

This leads to one of my pet peeves:  physicians writing orders that have
nothing to do with medical practice.  In fact, if I may be so bold,
"ordering" the giving of a formula discharge pack to a breastfeeding mother
can cause harm (to the breastfeeding and therefore to the well-being of both
mother and baby).

It reminds me of a "discussion" I had with a pediatrician where I used to
work.  The issue was getting rid of pacifiers, and his stance was, "Fine,
don't hand them out; but if I write an order for giving one, you'll have to
give one."  I said something like, "Well, if you write an order for a
medication I'm not sure about, as a nurse I need to talk with you about the
order before giving it to the patient.  If I'm not sure about the benefits
of the pacifier for a particular breastfeeding baby (read:  any of your
breastfeeding babies!), I'll need to talk with you about that before I hand
it to the mother.  And, if we treat the pacifier order like a medication
order, we have to educate the patient about its purpose, intended effects,
side effects, etc.  And just like with a medication, she has the right to
refuse it."

It took the wind out of his sails.  Briefly.

Wanda Mertick, RN, MN, IBCLC
Port Matilda, PA

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