Unfortunately, in Pennsylvania there is no legislation or pending
legislation protecting a mother's right to pump at work.  In fact,
Pennsylvania does not even mandate enough break time for employees to make
pumping feasible if an employer wants to be difficult.

The mother should definitely focus on the benefits to the employer if the
employer makes time and provides space to express milk for her baby.  How
many other pumping co-workers does mom have and why are they sensing


Alexis Martin Neely, Esq.
Mama to Kaia Ray Neely (11/2/99)

"Breastfeeding support is an integral part of the family/friendly workplace
environment." -Work & Family Coalition of San Diego
How have you supported breastfeeding today?

>Date:    Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:23:44 -0400
>From:    Robert Cordes DO <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: pumping at work
>What is the latest on legislation about pumping at work?
>I had a mom ask b/c she senses she and her pumping co-workers might run =
>into some problems.
>I told her there are $ benefits to the employer and some companies have =
>lactation programs.
>What companies have them and does anyone have the references for cost =
>savings to the employer?

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