Sorry to correct you Linda but YES Norton's IS picking up this
virus,(actually not a virus but a worm). I do an auto update every day with
them, Pam sent me the virus 4 times yesterday, but someone else sent it last
week and Norton's has been detecting is since July 17 and did so in my
system last week. See their web page :
http:[log in to unmask]

OK now a warning as I am climbing on my soapbox:

I encourage EACH AND EVERYONE of you to educate yourselves about computes
viruses, worms and hoaxes.
Norton's (according to the computer people I have consulted) is the the best
antivirus software out there, BUT you have to set it to auto update Everyday
you are on the computer as new viruses emerge everyday. If you just buy it
and install it and never update it is practically worthless.
I personally feel that this is a responsibility that all computer uses
should take seriously. (Last year I accidentally got a virus from an
unsuspecting/unknowing person and it cost me 200.00 to fix my computer, I
had McAffee anti virus software on auto update at the time and it missed the
virus). Protect yourself and protect your friends!
 The best site I know of to learn about hoaxes and urban legends is:  You can do a search before passing on that email
that is begging you to pass to everyone you know and see if it is real or
hoax, most often it is a hoax.

Ok... climbing down here.... hope someone learned something . ;-)

Take care to all
Cindy Curtis, RN, IBCLC   >^..^<
mailto:[log in to unmask]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda J. Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 11:45 PM
Subject: nasty virus - this is real and dangerous

> ---------------------- Information from the mail
header -----------------------
> Sender:       Lactation Information and Discussion
>               <[log in to unmask]>
> Poster:       "Linda J. Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:      nasty virus - this is real and dangerous
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> WARNING - A dangerous virus is spreading rapidly by picking names from
> address books
> and web sites that a person has visited. The infected file may be attached
> to a post from someone you know. The subject of the email will be random,
> and will be the
> >               same as the file name of the attachment in the email.
> >      Message: The message body will be semi-random, but will
> >               always contain one of the following two lines (either >
> English
> >               or Spanish) as the first and last sentences of the
> >
> >               Spanish Version:
> >               First line: Hola como estas ?
> >               Last line: Nos vemos pronto, gracias.
> >
> >               English Version:
> >               First line: Hi! How are you?
> >               Last line: See you later. Thanks
> I received one post where the subject line reads "Letters" and the
> message in the post is "Hi! How are you? I send you this file in order to
> have your advice. See you later. Thanks"  The attached file was infected.
> We received a message from a person who had visited
> our web site, and the message contained private financial
> information! The virus had captured some banking information on the
> computer and broadcast it far and wide.
> Bottom line to all: DO NOT open attached files, even from people you know,
> unless you are expecting a specific file from that person.  Pam Wiggins
> called me today and warned me not to open anything from her, as her
> is one of the ones that got infected.
> To read an attached file safely in a Windows environment, open Notepad.
> (without opening) the attached file onto the desktop first, then from the
> desktop onto Notepad. (do this in two steps.) Notepad cannot execute
> software programs (viruses), so you can read the attachment safely. You
> have to scroll through lots of junk to find any words with meaning. The
> bigger the file, the more likely it has executable code - delete it
> immediately. Norton Anti-virus software is not yet picking up this virus
> of Tuesday July 24).
> Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC
> Bright Future Lactation Resource Centre
> <>
> 6540 Cedarview Ct., Dayton, OH 45459-1214 USA
> (937) 438-9458 email [log in to unmask]
>              ***********************************************
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