Judie wrote "Thank you Laurie for the good information on recurrent breast
infections. It was helpful except for the little part about Cancer. It is
scary to think what would have happened to me if I had let
specialist start digging around on that spot."

I appreciate your point, and I hope it doesn't deter an LC from referring a
mom if indicated, and that it doesn't deter a mom from seeking a referral if
indicated. In your case it very well may be scar tissue. My intent was
simply to point out that recurrent mastitis "may" be a red flag for
carcinoma and is just one thing to consider (not the first thing that would
come to my mind w/ a client who called w/ mastitis symptoms). Also, just to
point out that a skilled physician who will protect the lactation could do a
biopsy if needed without undue digging around. I forgot to mention another
great ref specific to this particular connection. I don't have the exact
citation but it is referred to in this long ago lactnet post <<"Remember the
quote I shared from Kathy Auerbach's lecture?  "Mastitis doesn't cause
cancer, but cancer can cause mastitis."  Ellen Petok's JHL article in 1995
reminds us that a mass which doesn't clear within 72 hrs of standard tx
should be evaluated by a physician. Odds are it isn't cancer. Still, who
wants to take responsibility for making that call?>>

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, s.e. USA

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