recived this, thought someone may be interested:)

   Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 10:16:11 -0700
   From: "Amy Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Conference Topics?

Our local breastfeeding coalition provides trainings for local RNs and paraprofessionals on breastfeeding.  We try to do this atleast a couple of times a year.

Please send me any topic suggestions you may have - we seem to recycle the same ones over and over!  We're especially looking for topics that one of our local IBCLCs (or we have a wonderful Pediatrician who is *very* pro-bf!) would be confortable in presenting (we don't have a lot of $$ to bring in speakers quite yet!).  I've been saving some of the latest conference notices for ideas as well!

Our meeting is tomorrow - sorry for the late notice!

Thanks in advance,
Amy Smith
Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies of Kern County
Bakersfield, CA
[log in to unmask]

Andrea Bass, RN 
Lactation Specialist 
future IBCLC 

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