In a message dated 6/24/2001 8:20:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [log in to unmask]

> Could we pul-eeeze change the subject?
> I would like to discuss practical ways to provide clinical mentoring
> experiences to student LCs.  Are any Lactnetters working systematically with
> mentoring?  What are you finding to be successful?

Thank you Barbara.
Don't know about how systematically we're doing, but at our breastfeeding
clinic we have 3rd year residents, student RNs and LE students doing
observations.  They only come one time as part of their rotation, but I think
for most it's quite an eye opener. Some of the L & D/PP nurses going after
the LE, have had VERY limited experience with breastfeeding past the first
few days.  It
amazes me the way the clinic works - sometimes we're so swamped that we can't
get to people for a while. Somehow the moms begin chatting and the ones who
have 'been there, done that' are sharing, listening to and empathizing
beautifully with the new moms.  Everybody seems pretty satisfied when they
leave and many come back week after week for support with the 'problem of the
Not quite the mentoring I think you were looking for but...that's what we're
up to here.
We have each of the students fill out an observation form with mother's and
baby's name, presenting problem, description of tx and questions originating
from observing the consultation then finally answers to the questions they
had.  The feedback has generally been pretty good (a few disgruntled
dermatologists, ophthalmologists, etc., who see little reason for having to
be there.) As we open other clinics, there may be more structure to the
mentoring. But for now, it's shooting from the hip and so far so good.  Look
forward to hearing what others have to say about this subject.

Gretchen Andrews, BA, IBCLC
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