My first thought was that this was a bogus set-up type question.

<I am an RN, my husband is an MD and has done extensive research into
the topic of dairy products and the diseases that they carry.>

The rest of the post does not sound as if worded by an RN, and since
pasteurization has been the standard in our nation for over half a
century, it would hardly seem to me that there is that much yet to "do
extensive research on about diseases 'carried' by dairy products."

< My niece gave birth a month ago. >

If she hemorrhaged, there exists the possibility she may have had a piece
of retained placenta, which very well may have been having an effect on
her ability to produce milk. Just something to think about when you find
more about the case.

< She
received several units of blood.  Our family is not sure about receiving
blood from an unknown source.  We aren't sure that it is all that safe.>

Surely an RN and an MD should be thoroughly familiar with blood banking
precautions, etc. Besides that, how would she expect you to be able to be
any more sure than they that it is "all that safe"?

< Now she is
concerned about her babies welfare.<

Because of having received a transfusion? Or just generally because she
is separated from the baby and perhaps unable to supply her milk?

<Do you have any further information
readily available.>

On what?

Sounds very strange from what you copied somehow.


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