In often mentioning to my husband about how I wish the U.S. had longer, paid
maternity leaves and better conditions for taking the time to pump or
breastfeed when returning to work, HE always says that these 'other
countries' that can take 6 months, a year or more paid, pay for it in other
ways.  Mainly higher taxes.  He says the business world doesn't want to pay
for mothers returning to work and taking the time to pump (I know this is
true, loyalty to the job is first in their thoughts, 'forget your family and
baby why can't you just give formula?')

My question to the many of you who do have better benefits (Canada, Norway,
etc.) 'How much more is the percentage of what comes out of the pockets of
all of the people, be they single, married, with or without children?  Is it
truly tremendous? Do many notice that you 'may' be overtaxed or are the
prices for other items sold in line with what is affordable for your after
tax takehome pay? Is it really a hardship on your economy?'  I can't see
where it would be, since it seems to work so well for you.

I feel that we in the U.S. are overtaxed and it shows in the suppossed
projection of a surplus we are always being told about, so how can we
present a good case to people who just think of longer paid maternity leaves
and pumping breaks as  "more money handed out to people who don't want to
work" (not in any way my feeling, I believe that we would all benefit in the
long run by giving our families a better chance to start our children off in
a more attached, secure and loving environment without the worry of rushing
off to a job that you 'have to do just to get by' and the health benefits to
our babies and mothers would be tremendous.)I spent 3 years (Off and on with
the birth of two children and two miscarriages)in turmoil, working when I
wanted to be home with my babies, because I thought we couldn't live without
my $6.63 an hour.  I finally did the math and we were actually going further
in debt because of daycare, etc.  Then my heart was really broken for the
time lost with my babies. But I have been home with my boys now since August
'97 and we have all benefited. I am a true advocate for getting legislation
for mothers and babies and I ask mothers to truly look at their situation
and figure out if going back to work right now is best for them,and know
that sometimes you just have to go back but it would be so much better if
the government would help by giving us more time in the first year to be
with our little ones.

Sorry this is so long,
Cheryl Marian

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