Pat, you wrote:

<Egads!  Did you read the info on the site?  I'll quote, but you may


"In preparation for feeding it is recommended that any milk remaining in
the breast be removed.  (Any milk expressed during the process should be
discarded.) Now I'm sure everyone of you did that before EVERY feeding
and encourage
this is a Canadian Co.  Do you have to deal with this sort of garbage all
the time? >

Once again, I think the confusion is due to idiom and communication
mix-up in English as a second language, and error on the website.

I tried to point this out to the gentleman and offer to help, but he
never replied. I guess he figures he's doing all right without help. (I
have no commercial interest in this site or porduct.)

Two separate items are shown, although he doesn't have the price noted
for the second. (The first item is the nipple puller I have been talking

There  are also two separate descriptions, one for each item.

The description you  quoted is for the second item
which is apparently a small breastpump that is not for the collection of
milk, which, no doubt due to the rubber bulb and difficulty in cleaning
and sterilization, he correctly advises not to save.

As I try to decipher it, since he says "in preparation for feeding. . . .
.", it may be intended to soften up the front of the breast before latch,
but this just doesn't jibe with his explanation in the next phrase.

I think he really meant to say "AFTER a feeding, it is recommended that
any milk remaining in the breast be removed," which has long been touted
(Dr. Waller and colleagues in Britain in the '40's) as a way to keep milk
production up (thorough removal driving supply a la Dr. Hartmann.)

Unfortunately, this would accomplish that goal at the expense of removing
hind milk and discarding it!

Sounds to me like a salesman who has only a surface understanding of the
physiology, perhaps trying to remember and interpret what he has heard
from someone in the home company in another language and culture.

I just ignored most of the other products on the site and bought the one
item I found novel, effective, inexpensive and simple to use.

Can some lactation professional in Canada have better success in helping
him see the light? At least in helping the incorrect info and wording get
changed, despite the questionable value of some of the breastfeeding
products. (Lots of that goin' round in the U.S. too!)

K. Jean Cotterman RNC, IBCLC
Dayton, Ohio USA

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