Noticed this just in time for all the info. going around about the peanut
allergies.  Of course there is no mention of breastfeeding in the article.

Subject: Baby's Colic, Fussiness May Point to Allergies...

Baby's Colic, Fussiness May Point to Allergies
By Merritt McKinney

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Infants who cry more often and are
fussier than other babies may have an increased risk of
developing certain allergy-related problems, researchers in
Finland report.

Allergic illnesses known as atopic disease, which include hay
fever, asthma and the skin condition eczema, are believed to
begin early in life. During the first year or so of life, some
people produce high levels of IgE antibodies, which cause
symptoms by overreacting to harmless substances inhaled from the
air such as pollen, mold and animal dander.

full article at:

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