I want to thank everyone for responding to my post with their personal
stories of children refusing solid food after the age of one year.  If
anything, now this mother knows she is not alone and can have the peace of
mind that she is doing the very best for her child.  Both my sons refused
solids after the age of one year, and are now big, strapping young men.  My
daughter, who is married to a pediatrician, also breastfed her children
after a year, even though they refused solids.  Her husband was not the
least bit concerned.  How wonderful it is to not pressure our children--they
will have enough pressure when they get older. It helps to know there are
many others who had the same experience.  Now she will have the confidence
to know she is doing the right thing for her child. I will take the liberty
to forward the posts to this mother, if that is OK with everyone.  I think
Linda Smith hit the nail on the head (thank you, Linda! I hope you don't
mind that I quote you here),when she said, "The strategy of making the
disbeliever "prove" their case is far more effective than scurrying around
trying to prove that breathing clean air is safer than breathing smog.
Sheesh. Breastfeeding is normal. Those who oppose normal should be
challenged to come up with solid evidence that their ideas are safe and
effective - in fact, SAFER and MORE EFFECTIVE than the norm. They should be
on the defensive, not breastfeeding!"
Sharon Gollman, RN, BSN, IBCLC

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