I would use caution when using the term PTSD.  This term came into vogue
after the Vietnam war, but has had many names.  The nosological roots of
PTSD may be traced back to the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-1
entry of gross stress reaction, as published in 1952.  Descriptions of
post-traumatic stress reactions date back to the 6th century B.C. within the
context of warfare and such reactions are well documented beginning in the
17 century A.D in response to civilian tragedy(i.e. reaction of the
firefighter and workers after the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995).  Other
names used in the past are shell shock, soldier's heart, battle fatigue,
gross stress reaction, and traumatic neurosis.
In the DSM-IV you will find a definition for PTSD and all of it's specifies.
The CTP9 code is 309.81
I do agree that many of these baby do suffer from Post delivery stress as do
some mothers.

Crystal Stearns RNC, MS, IBCLC
Mercy Memorial Health Center
Ardmore, OK  73401

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