I too am new to the list and an LC aspiring IBLC,  I also have heard
conflicting recommendations so I am hoping that the replies come via list,
however if you get them privately please forward to me also, thank you.

Pam Price, CLC, aspiring IBLC, mother of 3 and just weaned my 2y9mos old.

Pam Price
Community Education Coordinator
Women's and Children's Services
Trident Health System
Phone 843-824-5013
Fax 843-797-4692
e-mail [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   friedman1 [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
        Sent:   Friday, December 29, 2000 2:32 AM
        To:     [log in to unmask]
        Subject:        fenugreek

        Hi everyone.. To briefly re-introduce myself, I am a new CLC & LLL
leader working at my local WIC office as the breastfeeding support person,
working towards my IBCLC.  This is mostly directed to those of you who are
also ND and/or herbalist; I am wondering what the reccomended dosage is for
fenugreek & what (if any) other herbs (in what doses) are reccomended to
increase milk supply?? I have heard some conflicting ideas, & the clearest
idea regarding dosage I have heard is 3 tablets three times a day.. but what
strength i.e. how many milligrams???
        Replies to the list & /or privately greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
         Esther Friedman; CLC, LLL Leader, nursing mom of a 2 year old :-),
WIC volunteer, too busy!  :-)
        [log in to unmask]

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