I have a question for everyone,my niece delivered about 11 days ago, normal
delivery AROM at 8AM delivery at about  4pm.  Some meconium, but not much
(she was about a week and a half overdue).  Her baby was always very pale
ever since birth whenever it was sleeping.  If it was awake and fussing or
nursing it was pink.  The doctors said she was fine, but the nurses were
concerned and even sent the baby to Special Care to monitor her O2 sat,
which by the way would drop to 85% when she would sleep, sometimes.  They
watched it here and there for 2 days then the Pediatrician checked the baby
out and said she was ok for d/c, they were getting her ready for home when
the nurses noticed again how pale she was and got the O2sat and it was 85%
for 10 minutes until they gave it some blow by O2 and then she pinked up to
95%. They kept the baby another 4 days and did xrays and blood cultures.
She was started on antibiotics pending culture reports and she started to
improve and had less incidents of desaturation although the cultures came
back neg.  Anyway 3 days ago my niece brought her home (she lives 3 hrs
away). My niece is using SNS, Shield, and pumping after every feed. Her
supply is decreasing so thats why she called me.  But she said something
that gives me a very uneasy feeling...the baby never wakes up on her own,
she has to wake her up for every feed, one night she overslept and it was 6
hours instead of 3 and she still had to wake the baby up.  Also the baby
doesn't like to lay down unless she is asleep, even skin to skin with mom
lying down, she cries and cries.  And yesterday she was trying skin to
skin, per my suggestion and the baby was really upset and crying very hard
and her top half of her body got very pale..white and the bottom half of
her body was deep red almost purple.  This all gives me a very uneasy
feeling that there may be something physically wrong with this baby.  I am
going to see her in 2 days...does anyone have any ideas? Or am I the only
one who thinks this is odd behavior for a 11 day old?  Please send any
replies directly to me, since I am very behind on my lactnet..Thanks in

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