
I have been lurking for a while, learning so much from all of your posts.
So, let me first introduce myself. My name is Kathy Pasakarnis. I have been
a La Leche League Leader in Connecticut for 11 years. I have a special
interest in helping low-income mothers, and ran breastfeeding meetings at
WIC for 5 years. I am currently studying for the IBCLC. (So Kirsten, I
would be very interested in joining your list of those studying for the
 I viewed the Civitas "Begin with Love" video. I found it extremely
frustrating, because most of the information was very good. Unfortunately,
Oprah makes a couple of comments on the order of- although breastfeeding is
best, what's most important is that you hold your baby while you feed him,
and you shouldn't feel guilty for bottlefeeding. One of the points also
emphasized was how important it is to find time for yourselves as a couple-
showing mom & dad leaving a very young baby with grandma. If you want more
details, I can get the video back from my partner to review.


Kathy Pasakarnis

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