In a message dated 9/17/00 5:47:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< My question is:  What is wrong with supporting a mom in her dicision to
 breastfeeding, what ever her reason?  Not all moms desire to nurse untill
 their child is in first grade.  Isn't some time at the breast better than
 none?  >>

Absolutely.  But the risks of artificial feeding are great....and generally
speaking, people aren't aware of them....or if they are,  they often ignore
them - at great cost to the public health.

If I hadn't made and absolute, no-hold's barred, no matter what happens kind
of decision to nurse till at least two years, there's *no way* I would have
made it past six months with my
never-want-to-nurse-rather-be-doing-anything-besides-nursing baby.

the health risks of artificial feeding are great -increased risk of various
cancers, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's, colitis and the list goes on
and on and on.  mom's who feed ABM have higher rates of breast cancer....the
shorter time period she nurses, the greater her chance of developing breast

Because of these risks, the decision to feed ABM should not be taken lightly.
 Most mom's don't even know the risks involved.  To paraphrase Kathryn
Dettwyler, would you let your baby ride unrestrained in a car, would smoke
during pregnancy or blow smoke in your baby's face?  No.

But because artificial feeding is seen as the *norm* and breastfeeding is
seen as some lofty amazing above and beyond ideal, then artificial feeding
becomes okay....breast is best, but formula is fine..when in fact, that's not
the case.  Breastfeeding is *only* the norm......just that -no more......When
you look at bfeeding as simply being Normal, instead of above normal, then
you must categorize formula for what it is....subnormal, substandard.

I really think that if people were aware of just how risky formula actually
can be for humans in general, then more people would breastfeed, and for much
much longer.  because I know the risks of formula, I chose not to feed it.
Because I've given her as much human milk as is possible, I'll know, whatever
happens in terms of her health, that I did absolutely the best thing I
possibly could have during her infancy and childhood.

If I ha dgiven up during those times when it was difficult (from four mos on
she was a nursing strike waiting to happen), frustrating (6-10 months nursing
20+ times a night b/c of developmental stuff) or painful (biting from 6-9
mos) and had gone on to feed formula, it would have been very difficult had
she become seriously ill (now or in the future), because I would know that I
had dramatically increased her risk for serious illness by making a
substandard feeding choice.  That would be hard to live with.

And with the health that runs in my family.....we both need all the help we
can get.

katherine in atl

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