My thanks to Jim McKenna for his input and to you, Kathleen, for asking him.
I really wanted to hear his perspective on this, and am grateful to have it.
May I take it from this last sentence that we have permission to share this
with other colleagues?  I would like to show this to my coworkers in the
Breastfeeding Program here at Miami-Dade WIC.  It'll make our jobs easier
the next time we get challenged on the subject, which unfortunately will
probably be soon.  "Bad" news about breastfeeding gets around much quicker
here, and gets much more attention, than good news ::::sigh::::
Regina Roig Lane BS IBCLC for Miami-Dade WIC...........dreading the fallout
from this one, and who believes that if women weren't meant to be able to
breastfeed while sleeping, their breasts would only function while awake
> -----Original Message-----
> Thanks for sharing with me the story.
> hope this is of interest...pass it on, if you wish!
> all my best,
> Jim McKenna
> Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC co-owner Lactnet, Indep. Consultant
> mailto:[log in to unmask]
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