
I was quite embarrassed to learn this list was meant for breastfeeding
professionals rather than general support.  Please forgive me!  I had read
about this list at the LLL site (mentioned in a mom's story regarding her
slow-weight gain baby).  In my excitement of finding out about LACTNET, I
did not pay close attention.  I have no family (other than husband and
children) or close friends here in the UK for support...so upon discovering
this list, I felt I had found a life preserver at a time of extreme

That said, please let me extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who replied
to my post...I am simply overwhelmed by the response.  Some have even been
so kind as to include their private phone numbers.  I will definitely be
responding...thank you!  I especially appreciate the advice that there ARE
LCs available here in the UK.  I had asked my health visitor about this,
and she told me there was no such thing over here.  I am very happy to find
out this is not true.  Maybe now we will be able to find one near to us and
get the help we need.

Thank you again and I will just lurk now, if you don't mind...and soak up
all of the good bf information.

And again, my sincere apologies for misusing this list (albeit


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