Dear fellow Lactnetters,

I realize its been over a week since the small
discussion on jaundice, but I had been without my
computer since it blew up a couple weeks ago, and have
just now caught up on my reading.

Normal physiologic jaundice is such a common 'problem'
that it really bothers me that when a healthy baby is
jaundice, we automatically treat them as if they are
ill (i.e., drawing blood at frequent intervals,
stopping breastfeeding and giving formula,
phototherapy, hospitalizing the baby).

I saw Dr. Lawrence Gartner speak at a conference a few
years ago, and he said something very thought
provoking.  He said bilirubin is an antioxidant, and
there is a theory that this elevated bilirubin level
may actually be a protective mechanism for the baby.
It would make perfect sense.  Just the fact that
breastfed babies have higher bilirubin levels than
formula-fed babies should give us a clue that normal
newborn jaundice may not actually be a problem.
Afterall, nature intended for babies to receive
breastmilk, not formula.

And, as far as I know, those studies done on jaundice
and kernicterus were done on sickly, premature babies,
not on healthy, full-term babies.  (Please correct me
if I'm wrong.)


Arleta de Dianous, MSN, CPNP, CLE
Normal, IL
Mother of 4 1/2 yr. old identical twin boys and 20
month old identical twin girls.

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