Barbara, What a good work you have done! We talk about needing a milk bank
here in NM, but I know how much work it must entail. Maybe someday the task
force can take on the project. Right now we are implementing a plan to get
formula companies(gift packs, gifts to hospital employees, and having to
abide by the same hospital regulatations as other commercial reps) out of
all the hospitals in NM. The physician rep to our committee from the State
Peds Society is writing a letter to all OB's, Peds, and FP docs in the
state. We are preparing a packet for hospital administrators. And during
WBFW we are doing a recall of gift packs---sort of like the "turn in you gun
campaign". We will have big bins at various places where moms can return the
pack for a t-shirt. Should be interesting. Carol
----- Original Message -----
From: Automatic digest processor <[log in to unmask]>
To: Recipients of LACTNET digests <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 9:06 PM
Subject: LACTNET Digest - 16 May 2000 (#2000-621)

> There are 3 messages totalling 58 lines in this issue.
> Topics of the day:
>   1. Mothers Milk Bank at Austin
>   2. Digital exam
>   3. Protocols for interventions
> Lactnet Archives are at:
> LACTNET Archives
> To Manage your Subscription, ie go nomail, index, etc, go to:
> Thanks- Kathleen Bruce, Kathleen Auerbach, Kathy Koch,
> Melissa Vickers, Karen Zeretzke, LACTNET Facilitators
> Questions to [log in to unmask]
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 16 May 2000 21:51:05 -0500
> From:    Barbara Wilson-Clay <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Mothers Milk Bank at Austin
> Folks wanting more information about the MMBA can go to the website at:
>  The office phone number is 512-494-0800 for those
> a brochure.  Or send a SASE to MMBA, 900 E. 30th St, Ste 101, Austin, Tx
> 78705.
> Medela is going to print a write up on the MMBA in an up-coming issue of
> their magazine which will interview some of the founders and describe how
> organized it.
> Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSEd, IBCLC
> Austin Lactation Associates, Austin, Texas
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 16 May 2000 21:47:39 -0700
> From:    Carol L'Esperance <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Digital exam
> Anne, I agree wholeheartedly regarding our putting a finger into a =
> baby's mouth. The oral area is highly sensitive--therefore, we may be =
> doing harm to the sucking mechanism/reflexes through this intrusion. The =
> only time I think it might be necessary is when we have observational =
> data that says there may be an oral abnormality---i.g.cleft of the soft =
> palate. But we have very little data to support suck assessment using =
> our finger and no research to support intervention using the finger. So, =
> before we put our finger into an infant's mouth we need more data to =
> support what we are doing!
> Carol L'Esperance RN, MSN, IBCLC, Albuquerque, NM
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Tue, 16 May 2000 21:50:36 -0700
> From:    Carol L'Esperance <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Protocols for interventions
> Jeanette, I agree we need better guidelines for assessing and treating =
> clinical problems in lactation. It would be great to see someone do =
> evidenced based intervention research on commom clinical lactation =
> problems much like Paula Meier has done with the premature infant.
> Carol L'Esperance, RN, MSN, IBCLC, Albuquerque, NM
> ------------------------------
> End of LACTNET Digest - 16 May 2000 (#2000-621)
> ***********************************************

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