I have a woman who gave birth last night via c-section at 11:10pm, as of
1pm today baby has not latched on. I tried to encourage baby to take breast
last night when they were reuinited, 1:30am, and the nurses have tried
several times, and I tried again today at 12:30pm. Baby will not open
mouth, it roots and seems to know it is supposed to be doing something, but
is not sure what. Encouraged Mom to try suck training, and told her she
needed to start pumping A.S.A.P., Baby is being fed formula, via syringe
not a bottle thank-goodness. Mom is in good spirts, and feels she can
overcome this( which I am sure she can as well) however what can I offer to
help get this baby on the breast? I have not dealt with this before and am
anxious for her to succeed. I really could use some suggestions from
someone who has dealt with this before.


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