This debate is strongly reminiscent of another recent debate in the
U.S. - does welfare save lives or promote dependency?  The proposed
solutiona to these issues are like squeezing a balloon animal - squeeze
the leg to make it smaller and the ear doubles in size.
    In other words, there is no good and easy solution.  If you give
formula then some mothers will use it who would breastfeed if formula was
unavailable.  Stop giving it and some babies will suffer because their
mothers still won't breastfeed.
    I know that here in Minnesota WIC has had great success in raising
the breastfeeding rates among its clients (I wish I had the numbers).  It
seems to me to be because the WIC people here don't just talk the talk -
they really believe in breastfeeding.  And that's what makes the

Marcia McCoy
inexplicably indoors instead of in the garden in sunny Minnesota

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