I have a mom with a 4 month old baby, exclusively breastfed up to this
point.  Baby was started on rice cereal about 2 weeks ago.  Doing
wonderfully on that.  Mom experienced tendonitis during pregnancy and is
still having problems with it.  Her doc prescribed Ibuprofen last Wednesday
to take for pain.  She took this for three days but it seemed to make her
dizzy and nauseated so she discontinued use.  On Friday, baby began to get
fussy and irritable and has continued to today.  Mom doesn't feel her milk
coming in hardly at all now and knows baby is not getting enough evidenced
by fussiness and nursing only 5 minutes on each breast at a feeding.  Also,
when formula was given, baby ate all 6 oz. and was content afterwards.  What
would be the reason for her drying up?  The Ibuprofen would be the only
thing obvious but I was not aware that it affects milk supply.  Pregnancy
might be another suggestion but she took 2 pregnancy tests last week - both
negative.  Any idea what is happening here?

Thanks in advance,
Bethany Johnson, RD
Overland Park, Kansas USA
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