Excuse me, but I have to agree with Dr. Gail.  Doctors are no different than
any other group of people - including lactation consultants, LLL leaders,
nurses, teachers, etc.  There are good ones and bad ones.  However, the
current trend to discount and discredit all the knowledge of physiology,
anatomy, pathophysiology, prevention and treatment that doctors learned in
their umpteen (in my husband's case it was 9 years) of medical school and
specialty training, is a pretty narrow point of view.

While I agree that some doctors tend to believe they're God and are not
particularly teachable, I know some LC's, nurses, teachers, lawyers, and at
least one plumber who feel the same way.  While I believe that there are
some alternative medical therapies out there that work, and know that
doctors are pretty close-minded about them, I know some LC's, nurses,
mothers, lawyers, etc. who are pretty close-minded about good,
evidence-based medical advice, backed by research.

Yes, I deal with two pediatricians who reject the idea that breast milk is
any better than formula.  But is that any different than the mother who
can't see that a Vitamin K shot is harmless and may prevent hemorrhagic
disease of the newborn in a few of those babies, of the thousands who
receive it? It's a terrible disease, which is completely preventable.

Is it any different than the mother who is informed that takaing folic acid
may help prevent some really awful neural tube defects, but she refuses to
take it anyway?  Should the doctor choose not to tell her this because she
might feel "guilty' if her baby then has a myelomeningocele?  WE object when
a doctor withholds correct information on  breastfeeding, or refuses to
accept the information we so carefully present to him, so why do we object
when the doctor  gives US the best evidence-based information he has in
other areas?  We may not agree, but he/she is obligated to do that, the same
as we are.

I agree that anyone has the right to refuse treatment, and then accept the
consequences of that decision, but it should be a truly informed decision.

Example:  We had a baby come into our nursery with a glucose of 6, having
seizures, etc.  The baby was born at home to one of our granny midwives, who
was having her 9th baby.   By the time we saw the baby, this poor little kid
was in bad trouble.  She threatened to sue the hospital if it got out that
her baby required intensive care, and she is still telling all her clients
that she has "never had a complication in several thousand deliveries."

I know of at least 11 of the babies she has delivered who ended up in our
intensive care unit with preventable problems.  Her own child has serious
residual damage from the disaster that happened at home.  It was completely

I, personally, would never choose to have a home delivery.  I think they are
for pizza.  Had I delivered my third child (of 6) at home, both of us would
have died.   However, I respect those of you who choose to advocate it or do
it, as long as you know what kind of Russian roulette you are playing, and
you don't try to talk me into it, or act like I am insane for preferring a
hospital birth with level III backup next door.

P.S. I have never had an epidural ---I am a certified Lamaze teacher, and
can tell you that it works just great......in the hospital.  We have come a
long way, and I don't know any profession that doesn't have a long way to go
yet - just like us.

Can you tell I have had a really bad day?
Deanne, RN, IBCLC

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