Oh wise fellow lactnetters,

      I have visited a mom with triplets born at 34+ weeks, two babies home
pretty quick, third baby came home last week, first saw mom 2 weeks ago,
baby girl #2 was not latching on consistently, suggested some position
change, latch on suggestions.  Mom pumps at night with good double pump and
has help to feed at night, babies take bottles at night. mom is a NP
herself, did lots of research, keeps great records of feeds and outputs oon
each baby.She does not want to change this pattern, but third baby not
latching on well to breast or bottle, when I visited, baby of course,
latched on perfectly. Babies went to pediatrician yesterday, and check out
oukay medically, mom saw non-supportive ped of breastfeeding, feels other
ped in group is more supportive.
     Mom has even been in contact with the author of Mothering Multiples on
internet for suggestions(I am sorry, I don't remember your name if you are
on lactnet tonight), and talks on internet with mothers of multiples for
suggestions.  I suggested alternative feeding by syringe or cup of baby #3
at night or possible direct nursing until baby can do both feeding methods
when older. she may have thrush also, and treating with nystatin per Dr.
Jack's articles, didn't like idea of gv.Her husband was home at second
visit, seems very supportive, carries babies in sling, but at work during
day. They will consider using syringe or cup at night with baby #3 if
caregiver feels comfortable with doing so, will try themselves first.
     Mom may need to take some meds she took in past, suggested looking in
Dr. Hale's website for which drug is safest, but not sure she will continue
to feed bm if she decides to take meds.  I suggested some extra help in
daytime and napping more, has difficulty sleeping in day but suggested
rest. Also, praised her for trying to feed, change, and comfort babies
alone in daytime, but think she needs more help, and may be asking to much
of herself. She feels baby#3 may still have some developmental problems
with sucking, don't think  it is a tongue tie, Baby # 1 is pretty adaptable
to both breast and bottle, as that is the mother's wishes at this time.  I
stressed she needs to evaluate what she wants to keep doing, she feels she
wants to get them mostly on breast during day and bottlefeed at night with
help. and she will pump.She hasn't been able to get them nursing two at a
time yet, but may try.  She is taking fenugreek and blessed thistle, and
thinking about asking for reglan. The babies need about 50% formula at
night. Do any of you have suggestions for this mom I haven't thought about,
also, gave her suck retraining exercises for baby#3.
     She gave me permission to ask you experts on lactnet, TIA

     Ellen Mahony, RN, LCCE, IBCLC
     Greenwood Lake, NY, where it is snowing a few inches tonight
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