I agree with Barbara.  I have been working for WIC for 2 years now and I
have found that education is the key.  We (Like many other programs) do
an "Infant feeding class" for every prenatal that joins WIC.  In the class
I explain the differences between abm & breastmilk by playing a game and
having an open discussion.  We even make "formula" by using water, sugar,
whey (dried milk) and vegitable oil.  I explain the reason for each
ingrediant as it is poured into the bottle.

After the class I offer a breastfeeding class, which almost always has a
high attendance.  I encourage the women to come to class with the "other"
person in baby's life, be it Dad or Grandma or whoever.  Then I just try to
keep intouch with them throughout the pregnancy.

Once the baby is born I call the mom at least once a week and I encourage
her to attend the local nursing mother's support group.  We have posters
and handouts too, of course, but I feel that the way to really get through
to women is to educate them in a way that is fun and on the
individuals "level".

Jessica Wheelock C.L.C.

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