Hi, all --
I've been lurking for a week or so and want to introduce myself.
I'm the executive director of the Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin, which is
not yet open for business. We are raising money as fast as we can so that
we might open in the first half of this year. You can read more about us at
My personal info - I have a boy, Danny, age 4.75, who BF until age 1 and
weaned because I didn't know any better than to just allow the milk supply
drop off (too much time away from him at work, not enough time pumping).
My daughter, Aida, just passed the anniversary of her due date this week,
although her first birthday was Nov. 20 -- she was a 26-week preemie. She
was darn hard to BF, but good luck, perseverance, and Barbara Wilson-Clay
pulled us through, and we are happily and cozily BF still. Aida's
neonatologist, Sonny Rivera, is the President of the Mothers' Milk Bank at
Austin. You could say my efforts to get this milk bank going are a labor
of love, and a debt of gratitude for the fine care we got at the hospital.
Now I am wondering if anyone taped the ABC segment on milk banks that
apparently ran after the 20/20 segment. I'd love to borrow a copy (will
copy and return to you, if you wish). If you don't feel comfortable
sending it to me (a previously-unknown lurker), perhaps Barbara Wilson-Clay
or Jeanne Mitchell (two of my Board members and known lactnetters) would
vouch for me. ;) You could send it to the milk bank, at
Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin
900 E. 30th Street, #101
Austin, TX 78705
Thanks in advance, and thanks for allowing me to join the group. I'm
enjoying it and learning a lot.
Andrea Morgan