I started a group about 8 weeks ago. The first week I did Breastfeeding
benefits...all very strong statistics. I used Coach Smith's "nice" cards.
The second week I used Dr. Newman's "myth's about breastfeeding." It has
been fun and easy to do. If you know a LLLL they would be able to really
help you.
Last week I didn't have a topic...just talked about what questions they
had....it ended up to be "EZZO". so the moral of that story is to have a
One week I asked them what they have seen to be a benefit...IE...no warming
milk etc.
I invited the postpartum patients for the first six weeks to fill in the
chairs but now have 12 moms and babies attending. Their favorite part is
weighing ALL the babies at the end.
Patti Carroll, RN, IBCLC
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